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© 2021

Venice in the Snow, 1970

Their next commission came from Venice Laywer Gerry Rosen who secured a wall on the side of artist Ed Moses' ocean front studio. The Squad gladly motorcycled back to their stomping grounds to paint another trompe l'oeil view of the familiar Venice Boardwalk. This time they included one intervention: a layer of snow has settled over the coastal neighborhood. Venice in the Snow. Fast forward just one year to 1972, after petitions and protests, the Squad failed to stop the construction of a neighboring building that forever blocked the mural from view.

June 1970–November 1970
1905 Oceanfront Walk, Venice
Painted by Victor Henderson and Terry Schoonhoven
19' × 70'
Commissioned by Jerry Rosen
Obscured by an apartment complex, 1972, painted out afterwards
